As long as our honesty isn't directed towards tearing down other people, then our honesty should be embraced and allowed a voice, so that others can come around us and lend their support as we all walk forward. ~A. BlytheRecent Comments
- Bob Langly on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Lydia on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Susan Iversen on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Susan Iversen on Why I Left by MichelleT
- William McMullin on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Monty Cora on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Joe on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Sue Iversen on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Amy on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Ma Be on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Ma Be on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Rx PR on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Ma Be on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Rx PR on Why I Left by MichelleT
- Paul Olson on Why I Left by MichelleT
Recent Posts
- Exorcising the Demons
- Me, Myself & Lies
- What good can come from it?
- The More Things Change
- Broken Promises and Wasted Potential
- Follow up – The Internet is Not Your Therapist
- The Internet is Not Your Therapist
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- The Middle
- Beginnings
- Is It Worth Dying For?
- You Made a Difference
- Your Change can make a Difference
- 10 Magical Rules That Can Change Your Life
- As Time Goes On
Tag Archives: denial
What good can come from it?
ShareNote: The following was originally published Feb. 17, 2011 ********************************* When this blog first began, the following comment was left: “I do not understand why this has to be done and what good can come from it.” It’s a good … Continue reading
Negative and Positive
Shareby Guest Blogger Clara K. Showalter ************************** There’s a lot of talk about how negative the world is. We are bombarded by negative images in the media, ads telling us how to look, what to drink, and how to eat … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Accountability, Accountable, Be Your Own Oz, beyourownoz, bfl, BFLer, BFLers, bill phillips, body for life, Clara, Clara Showalter, denial, michelle treichel, michellet, Negative, Responsibility, Responsible, Success Journal, transformation,
What's Next?
Shareby Guest Blogger Clara K. Showalter *************************** So one day you wake up and discover that the vision you had of a perfect world is shattered. The curtain is pulled back and you discover there is no all-knowing, all-seeing wizard. … Continue reading