by Guest Blogger Clara K. Showalter
One of the components of the Body for Life program which has made the biggest impact on me is the Universal Law of Reciprocation. The idea is pretty simple. Do something good for someone else. Don’t do it as something you mark off on a list. Do it because you think it’s really the right thing to do.
For most of us, the reality is we aren’t nearly as bad off as it may seem. Reaching out to do good things is a great way to remind yourself about what’s really important. Again, it’s not about keeping track. It’s about reaching out to help others at a point where they are struggling.

(Christchurch Cathedral Greg O’Beirn GDFL.Creative Commons via wikipedia)
On February 22, Christchurch New Zealand was rocked by an earthquake. This is a city the size of Oakland, CA. Nearly 1/3 of the buildings in the city center have been destroyed, 166 people have died, and hundreds more are injured. The city faces years of rebuilding efforts and is never going to be the same again.

Faced with this tragedy, a group of friends from New Zealand decided to set up a virtual Run for Christchurch. The idea is simple. Wherever you are in the world, this weekend get out there and do a 5k run. If you can’t run, bike. If you can’t bike walk. Wear red and black for your event (the colors of the local Christchurch rugby club). Then donate. You can go as little as $5 NZ ( ) That’s $3.71 as of current exchange rates by the way.

(link to website-
That’s it. Get up, do good, and go run. There’s no melodrama, no race to be the best, it’s just about doing something for someone who needs help, then doing something to help you.
So here’s the challenge. You’ve been feeling kind of down the last few months? It’s time to step up and make that change. Check your pockets for change, toss out all the spare lint. Decide what you can spare, then donate ( ). This weekend, get out there and do something, just make sure it’s 5k worth of something . Heck, I don’t care if you walk the mall! Just get out there and do it. Encourage your friends to do it. Have some fun.
Remember why you started your transformation in the first place. Then help Christchurch and the people there as they go through their own transformation.
Thanks for posting this, girls. Your blood’s worth bottling, as we say here in Oz (no, the other Oz…) 🙂
People are running all over the world for this cause. I have friends in Scotland, Japan and all sorts of places who are participating. Looks like Texas is on board too. Awesome!
Hi, I’m from Christchurch, and also a friend of your last commenter, Kek, who is an Aussie.
We have all been so touched by the way that the Run for Christchurch has taken off around the world. Things here are really bad. I’m not sure if you knew, but this is the second earthquake – the first was in September last year (bigger but less damaging, if that makes any sense at all), so it’s been a very trying 6 months and everyone is worn out and going nuts. The red cross, which is where the Run for Christchurch money goes, is doing a superb job, including just keeping up basic hygiene in areas where there is still no water and helping find accommodation for the many that lost their homes.
So, from the bottom of my heart a big THANK YOU. And a big invitation to come visit – I keep asking but nobody seems keen to show up just yet….
Fantastic blog entry! I think you got the point/reason across why we’re doing this really well. I hope that your words inspire people to get out there and run for Christchurch – Mike
Thanks so much for your support! Awesome post Clara, and as Mike says, you’ve captured the reasons why we decided to do this beautifully. I’ve seen similar photos of the Cathedral before, but this time it made me tear up to see it in that condition. I’m from Wellington, not Christchurch, but I think everyone here in New Zealand has been affected. It makes such a difference to know there are people all around the world supporting us.
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