The Heart of the Matter

by Guest Blogger Richard “Rico” Brown


For those who may not be familiar with my story, on April 4, 2004 I suffered a heart attack. I was only 38 years old. I died twice that night before I was stabilized. At the time I was 50lbs overweight, a three pack-a-day cigarette smoker, workaholic and food junkie. My life was miserable.

Because of my addictions and bad choices, I had damaged my body enough that the result was the heart attack. I was a husband and father of 5 children and because of those addictions and bad choices, I almost made my wife a widow and left my children without a father.

That night God was gracious enough to give me a 2nd chance at life.  And you know what? I have taken it and run with it. As a result of my transformation, Bill Phillips produced a video documenting my story.

Richard Brown’s Second Chance

Recently I had to give my “heart of the matter” speech to a loved one. It went something like this: 

When I had my heart attack I came to the realization that I had two choices: I could continue my way of life and end up literally killing myself, or I could decide to totally transform my life. Eat healthy, and exercise. Replace negative with positive. Put God first in my life instead of last.

I had to decide that the loved ones in my life were worth living for. I had to decide that my family was worth all the changes that I would make. I had to decide that I was worth all the effort and change.

So…………..What will you decide? Is this the year that you do it, or will you be entangled and lose yourself in the abyss, caught up in the snares of everyday DYING?

The heart of the matter is this:

1. It is your call. You can decide to embark on a new journey.

2. Once you make that decision, there is a ton of support available to help you.

3. There is so much more to the journey than six pack abs and prizes. This is about LIVING. This is about your life and what you are going to do with it!

Are you living to die or are you dying to LIVE?

Richard  Brown

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3 Responses to The Heart of the Matter

  1. Rena says:

    Richard– Although I have known your story and been inspired by your example I love to hear it again and again. You embody one of my favorite Latin sayings, “Carpe Diem!” I join your family in celebrating your life, your health and your ability to share what you have learned through your example. To me, you are Rico “Carpe Diem” Brown!

  2. maryann says:

    thank you for your story. it impacted me when i first heard it. i am thankful that you had shared it thru….it was that message of…”you never know when IT is gonna happen…have you fully lived the life God sent you here to live?” thanks for continuing on sharing that message and the absolute crazy joy of living in celebration of yet one more day to love God and love others.

  3. troy says:

    Richard, it was one of the first video stories that I saw put together, that a friend gave me a link to. It had a very profound impact on me and from there I realized the importance of maintaining my health after all the hard effort I have put into it to get to that point. Occasianlly, we wonder what’s the point? And your story makes me realize, living life to the fullest is the whole point.
    Thanks Richard for that message, one I will continue to live everyday.

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